Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"An Interview with my teather"

Ali: What's your name?
Mr Roger:My name is Mr Roger.

Ali: How old are you?
Mr Roger:I'm 29 years old.

Ali: How are you?
Mr Roger: I'm goood.

Ali:Where did you go on vacation?
Mr Roger:I went on vacation to Thailand.

Ali:When were you born?
Mr Roger: I was born on 1971.

Ali: When do you finish teaching?
Mr Roger: I finished teaching at 2:30.

Ali: When did you start teaching?
Mr Roger: I started teaching 10 years ago.

Ali:Where did you study?
Mr Roger: I studied in Canada.

Ali: Why do you teach English?
Mr Roger:I teaching Because it's fun.

Ali: Why are you happy?
Mr Roger: Because i study with my teacher Roger.

Ali: What did you do in the weekend?
Mr Roger: I went to shopping.

Ali: How far is your house from the college?
Mr Roger: My house is 10kilometers from the College.

Mr Roger: What is the hardest thing about learing English?
Ali: The hardest thing about learing Engilsh Grammar.

Mr Roger: Why are you studying English?
Ali: Beacuse I want to speak to fornars.

Mr Roger : Do you have hobby?
Ali: Yes I have ahobbies it is playing volleyball.

Mr Roger: Do you like to trvel?
Ali: Yes I like to trvel.

Mr Roger: Where did you go on your last vacation?
Ali: I went to London.

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